16 May 2005

Summer Break!?!?!

Hello, I know its been a week since I last posted, but between moving back home again and job-hunting last week things were a little hectic. There is good news though, I got hired at Ikea on Friday, thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Hanna. I don't start until Saturday, which is all day training sessions, but I guess you have to go through the preliminary stuff. Not to mention that I literally haven't been in Ikea in about 7 years; I don't remember a darn thing about the place.

Things are shaping up for the summer too. We will be making the yearly trek to Cornerstone in early July, but we may break from the family vacation to Ocean City (for multiple reasons). Also, I got a bookcase and an end table at garage sales for our apartment, and my Mom said that I could take the old kitchen table that is in the basement, it's not pretty but it's the perfect size for a 5-6 person poker game. Now all I need is a bed and drawers, I think.

The Brothers Karamazov discussion should take off this week, I'm very excited. I finished Book One already, but hopefully discussion will benefit my reading, and I'll get more out of just reading than I usually do. You should check it out, link is to the right.

I'll try to keep current this summer, but I promise nothing.



Blogger Jason said...

Rock on. Since you're working at Ikea, which is about 20-odd minutes from my house, I might come visit.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Zach said...

That's a role reversal for ya! Plus it would be awesome. I forgot about the show last night! I'm an idiot. Talk to you later.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

zach - are you going to come and visit me?? cause i think you should. florida is great in the summertime!

8:25 PM  

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