28 September 2006

And Fall Arrives...

Nearing the end of September, I'd realized that I hadn't posted on this page in a looong time. So here is a new post and some things that are filling my plate at this time.

Unfortunately, I am still working at Ikea, and still looking for a new full-time job ANYWHERE else (okay, not anywhere, but almost). Also, Kate and I are having a bit of a rough patch with our futures and how they will coincide over the next few months. No, I haven't officially asked her. And no date or anything yet, but we'll keep you posted.

Also, things that bring me joy on this rainy day: Kate's smile; the new MewithoutYou album came out on Tuesday and I will be going to BestBuy shortly to pick that up; the beginnings of a band with Luke and hopefully Jason (if you read this and know nothing about it call me when you get a chance); and the fact that God is in control despite my lack of enthusiasm for my employment situation.

And, just to let those of you who are interested know, I'm currently reading: Don DeLillo's Underworld and finishing up Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses. One's the book I read at work on my breaks, and one is my at-home reading. Stay in touch those of you from the many places that I may know you from.

Peace that Passes All Understanding,


Blogger Jason said...

Rock on dude, rock on.

11:44 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

so yeah, i think you should update more often.

just a thought.

see you at thanksgiving????
(well, i know i'll be there. hope you're there too.)

10:02 AM  

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